Wisteria has partnered with Dwell with Dignity to give back to our community in a big way! They are calling designers to submit a mood board using Wisteria’s eclectic mix of furniture and decor. Winners will be given the chance to collaborate with Wisteria in the design of a new product and 20% of the profits from the c0-branded item will be donated to Dwell with Dignity. See the inspiring projects and people behind Dwell with Dignity here!
I am so proud to live and work in the same community as these two local businesses, and could not be more excited about this cause. I hope you will join us! Click here for the contest details and to enter.

Thanks, great article.
Glad you like it! Thanks, Bablofil!
Steven Snow
One of the best idea. Joined.
Hi Steven! I’m so glad you support this great cause, glad you joined in! – K